Map of Sahel with unreached people groups

Our audience

Our target audience is the unreached people groups in the Sahel region of the 10/40 Window. We focus on these 15 countries: The Gambia, Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Cameroon and northern Nigeria.

Many people groups in this region have little exposure to the Gospel. We desire to catalyse the transformation of the people groups through Declaring, Empowering, Equipping and Producing audio-visual evangelistic, discipleship and worship resources produced for each of these people.

fula film production
kora mandinka

Why the Sahel?

The Sahel, a significant component of the western third of the 10/40 Window, stands today as one of the most spiritually needy areas of the world. It is referred to as one of the forgotten frontiers of modern missions. The turmoil in the Sahel over the past decade has severely limited mission activity, and many areas are now closed to or dangerous for missionary outreach. One way to reach, serve and disciple these oral people is by presenting the gospel in a culturally appropriate, non-threatening way. 

Click on a country below to learn more about its unreached people groups.

Burkina Faso flag icon

Burkina Faso

Cameroon flag icon


Chad flag icon


Eritrea flag icon


Ethiopia flag icon


Gambia flag icon


Guinea flag icon


Guinea-Bissau flag icon


Mail flag icon


Mauritania flag icon


Niger flag icon


Nigeria flag icon


Senegal flag icon


South Sudan flag icon

South Sudan

Sudan flag icon


Flag icons from

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